Lower Teacher Overwhelm?
Yes, Please!
Increase student achievement?
Even better!
Students are struggling, and when students struggle, teachers struggle!
We can help!
It's time to get proactive now, and provide the support your teachers and instructional coaches need later!
I can't wait to visit with you!
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"It (Clarity) helps all learners, but struggling learners especially, know exactly what they need from the lesson. It empowers them to take ownership of their learning and sets them up for success. Students who often give up or get overwhelmed now know exactly what to look and listen for. When students know where the conversation is going, they have a much higher chance of getting there on their own."
"Literally every time you sit down with Jenn there are "ah-ha" moments. She has a unique way of taking all the variables and complexities of teaching and organizing them into manageable steps that allow teachers to hyper-focus on the things that impact their students most. One of the “Ah-Ha” moments for me came when Jenn helped me understand the value of Learning Objectives and how to properly use them in my classroom."
We know that data is only one part of the story, but take a look at the incredible growth between the Beginning of Year and Middle of Year assessments from students whose teachers were actively putting the components of culturally responsive teaching and Clarity into practice!
Check out a few of our options for our PD Workshops!
Click on the graphic for more information on each one!
This was the best training I've been to in my 22 years of teaching! I have new ideas and I'm ready to see my students again! - Mary, 8th Grade Teacher
Most PD Days aren't super useful. This one was! Everyone should go through these trainings! It kept my interest the whole day! - John, 5th Grade Teacher
This info made so much sense! It put some missing pieces together for me on why my students weren't performing and gave me ideas on where to go from here! - Stacey, 10th Grade Teacher