The doors to the Education Consultant Accelerator 1:1 Coaching Program are currently closed. Hop on the waitlist and book a call to see if its right for you!
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Turn your teaching experience into an education business.


You've got the dream.

I've built the business.

Let me help you do the same.

Step confidently into your full-time business by next summer.

Hop on the Waitlist!

You are an Action-Taker! If you know you want an education consulting business anytime in the next 3 years, now is the time to start it!

Click the "I'm In!" button to start laying the foundation of a profitable, impactful business that works for you and your family! I'll guide you every step of the way!

Education Consultant Accelerator: 1:1 Coaching and Course

Doors close 7/30! Limited space available! Register today!









Have a few questions?

Wondering about your business idea? Not sure if this is the right program for you? Schedule a quick Zoom call with me to get your questions answered! 

Click here to schedule: Jenn's Calendar

Schedule a Zoom Meeting


Everything you need to learn how to start, build and market your education consulting business! Don't build a business alone, and don't let the fear of the "unknown" stop you from building the life you dream of!

Phase 1

Clarify Your Business Niche

We will start by making sure that you are crystal clear on the problem you are solving, the solution you are offering, the person you are serving, and the client you are selling to!

Phase 2

The Business Backend

We will set up your business backend! No need to be afraid of the tech! We'll get your tech stack set up, and your business backend up and running!

Phase 3

Get in Front of Decision-Makers

Marketing, Marketing, Marketing! We will create content, start your blog, and create a plan to get in front of decision-makers!

Are you ready to take the next step towards your dream?

  1. Do you have a passion for helping kids but feel trapped by the school system?
  2. Are you a go-to person on your campus or district?
  3. Are you tired of feeling trapped by time and money and you're ready for time and financial freedom?
  4. Do you have a lot of ideas but feel too overwhelmed to get started?
  5. Does the feeling of helping teachers and students in your own way excite you?

 I will walk you every step of the way!

Hop on the waitlist!

"If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will."

Greg McKeown

What is Included?

  • 30 modules that walk you through every part of your business ($1500 value)
  • 1:1 Coaching through Zoom every month for 6 months! ($1500 Value)
  • Unlimited Voxer access to Jenn (for check-ins and questions any time you have one!) for 3 months ($2000 Value)
  • Group Coaching and Q&A 2 monthly for 3 months ($1200 Value)

You will always feel supported, and you will have lifetime access to the 30 videos that walk you through each step of the way!

$6200 Value - Which can be less than 3 days of work as a consultant!

But that's not what you pay...

But right now, for less than what you can make in 1 day of training...

You can start your exciting, flexible education consultant journey. Focus on your passion. Work when you want. Build the business that works for you and your family. I'm here to help.

Let's Get Started!

Save money with our Paid In Full Option!


Paid in Full

Lifetime Access to DIY Blueprint

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls (3 Months)

Bi-Monthly Group Coaching/Q&A

Voxer Access for Immediate Contact and Questions


Hop on Waitlist


3 Equal Payments

DIY Blueprint (Lifetime access after paid in full)

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls (6 Months)

Bi-Monthly Group Coaching/Q&A

Voxer Access for Immediate Contact and Questions

Hop on the Waitlist!

I know it can feel overwhelming...

but I've already done it, and I'm here to walk you every step of the way.

The thought of stepping out of a district and into entrepreneurship can be scary, and the unknowns can feel overwhelming!

I also know that your time is precious, both while school is in session and the time you have this summer.

But what if you used the time you had this summer, at your own pace, sitting by the pool or in your pjs, to start a business that ignites your passion and gives you time and financial freedom?

If an education consulting business is in your future and you want to step confidently into that next part of your journey when the time is right, the time to start your business is NOW!

"This has been a no pressure learning experience that has given me the tools and space to start this journey of being an education consultant. Her program is clear, step by step, and something anyone can follow. She has given us the tools to use what we already know and present in a way that is meeting the need. Our most exciting win so far is being able to use our own district as a Beta Group and get started on the work."

Jessica Ridge
Special Ed Teacher, Business Owner

Now it's time to make a decision...

"I learned to always take on things I'd never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist." - Ginni Rometty

You can take this step forward and join the small group of educators ready to work on the next part of their exciting journey, or you can stay where you are.

You can use the summer to build a business on your own terms and in your own time, or you can put it off another year.

It's time to invest in yourself and in your dream. There are teachers who need to hear what you have to say, and there are students who need their teachers equipped. Investing in this opportunity means setting yourself up to step confidently into the education consulting work when the time is right for you.

Or you can stay where you are. We desperately need good educators, and I am so thankful for the work you do for students. If this is where you want to stay, I want to support you in that capacity through The Responsive Classroom. 

Just remember, building a sustainable business can take time, and the sooner you get started, the sooner you can step out confidently. Will you be in the same place next year?

I'm Ready to Get Started!


Building a consulting business, like any business, takes work and commitment, and profit cannot be guaranteed. There is a 14-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee offered (until August 16, 2024) if you are not satisfied with the Education Consultant Accelerator Program. 


50% Complete

Just enter in your name and email to secure your spot. It's 100% FREE.

*Just a heads-up, when you share your email with me, you're joining my email crew. No spam, I promise.